Friday, 16 March 2012

Investigating how Paolo Nutini markets himself

Due to the changes in internet, the way a band markets itself has changed from the traditional way of just using posters and radio. There are many new ways to do this and the artist we chose is a great example.

1 - YouTube - Paolo Nutini has his own YouTube account like most of us do, he has his own channel Here he can promote his music freely. There is also a shout 'about me' action and you even have the opportunity to contact him. You can view all the songs he has uploaded and playlist's that he has created. The theme on his page is personalised in the same theme as his website so its easy to know its him.

2 - Twitter - On Twitter, he can also promote his music videos. But he can also talk to his fans and promote himself with his 'tweets'. You can view his followers, who he follows, and hes even written a bit about him, as well as posting regular pictures and regularly updating his twitter account. Like his YouTube, his Twitter is also personalised with his website theme.

3 - - LastFm is a website containing most bands, its a way in which an artist can promote themselves. It has videos, bio, pictures, events, albums, tracks and much more. Its a great way to connect with your favorite stars.

4 - MySpace - MySpace was probably one of the first places that came about when online promotion stated. Here you can see videos, get updates, contact the artist, see pictures, read about them and all sorts. There is even a player which lets you listen to the music while you view the website and even lets you download straight from the website. This also has a theme.

5 - Website - As i posted before, a website is a big way of promoting, especially when its a way to sell merchandise. Merchandise is a great tool to promote an artist because when people buy T-shirt ect, it creates another way of marketing through others seeing people wear it. On the website you can watch videos, listen to music, see lyrics, look at pictures, see news updates, and even be part of the forum. This uses his main theme, and its a really important form or promotion to an artist.

6 - Facebook - Paolo Nutini has over 700,000 followers on Facebook, therefore it is an important channel of promotion for him. You can see all his photos, videos, events and information. Its also a create way for him to post regular updates, and it also promotes his merchandise.

7 - Bebo - Although Bebo isn't used as much today, its still a way for an artist to promote themselves. You can see all the information about the artist, his pictures and his followers.

As you can see there are many ways for an artist to promote, they are all very similar and easy to access. The growth of the internet has made promotion so easy and i think this has had a great impact on the music industry.

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