Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Adele - 19

19 is the debut album by the English Singer Adele. The first thing you pick up on is probably the black background. The colour black has negative connotations of grief and mourning which is the impression we automatically get when we look at this. You also notice the shadow on her face. This could mean that she is no longer herself or hiding her identity and what you see really isn't her. It could also convey that she is not happy with the way she feels or looks or even that she is guilty of something and the shadow is there to constantly remind her. You could even say that she has two sides to her personality and touch up on psychological reasons as to why the shadow is there. Her makeup style is simple and her hair style is traditional showing us that she is a simple person. You notice her eyes are not looking directly at the camera. This could be because she is ashamed of something or maybe she is upset, by not showing someones eyes you cannot tell how they are feeling. It could also represent that something is over and that is why she is sad. Next we notice the white writing which stands out. You see her name and the title which could mean that she stands out from everyone else as the white stands out from the black background. The fact that the typography is in block bold capitals shows how simple she really is and not trying to be different and maybe fit in with the crowd. The album is called 19 as she wrote all the songs in it when she was 19 years of age. The reason that it is handwritten could be that she was a child then but now become more mature. I like this album art work as its simple, and i really like Adele's music as she has such a powerful voice. This album cover represents her personalty as being bold and powerful but not quite getting there. All these features put together instantly make you aware that this artist is in the blues and souls genre as it is relaxed yet has a big impact a bit like her music.

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